Friday, 22 July 2011

Dates for the diary

Remember the following please:

  • Busking St Helier 11.30 am on Saturday 6th August
  • Howard Davis Park evening of 9th August
  • Wedding - 27th August (more details top follow)

The Academy takes a break in August but the main band players will not, and so the last event of the academy will be the workshop on Sunday 31 July 9.00 to 11.00 a.m. (refer below)

Tuesday, 19 July 2011

Howard Davis Park

Well done to V for her first public appearance with the band on the evening of 19 July 2011. It was great to have her in the ranks to play "Teribus and Corrichoillies Welcome" and "the girl did well!"Keep up the good work V!

We have agreed a workshop session for Sunday 30 July from 9.00 a.m. to 11.00 a.m. which will be the last practice for the Academy members before summer break. We will reconvene on September on 8th September at 7.00 p.m. In August the main band will press on to learn new tunes.

More details will be given on Thursday night re the venue, so hope you can make it. If you can't then email me and i will supply the info  you need.
Home bakes are not guaranteed....................................

We intend to have a tutor available for each attendee so please confirm to me so that I can make suitable arrangements for you. The idea is to have group sessions and then have short break-out sessions with a tutor so that you can ask questions etc and work to find the best way for you to learn new tunes. I will make sure we have some coffee, tea and buns to hand!

Wednesday, 13 July 2011

Chanter workshop-getting it together

OK-I've agreed with the Pipe Major that we run a chanter workshop to help members memorise and learn pipe tunes.

If you feel you want to participate please let me know by email what dates and time suit.

My own preference is a short, two hour session- one week end-maybe the morning. The idea is to work as a group but then have breakup sessions on a one-to-one basis where you can try out the method shown or adapt to suit your own way of learning.

We need two hours as what I aim to do is teach one part with a view to playing it on the pipes before the end of the workshop.

Please get in touch so that I can make sure that enough "tutors" are on hand to help out.

(Remember there is no charge and its all voluntary!! Must be a Scottish band after all!!)

Thanks very much.