Friday, 8 April 2011

Excellent progress.....

An excellent practice last night so thanks for coming along and for puting the effort into memorising the tunes. Our starts are improving as too is our marching and we are certainly "coming together" with good pointing to the tunes. It can be quite frustrating learning the "pipe" but recall the "wee yarn" from Strathspey:

At Glenmore, in the Cairngorms, there is a conical hill called Sithean Dubh Da-Choimhead or "The Black Sithean of two otlooks". A strange name -- but at the top of the hill you can look on one side of the Great Glen opening out for miles before you and on the other side you look backwards through a cleft of the sky to the strath of Nethy. This is the two outlooks.

The locals believe that the "double outlook" reminds us not to think that "the former days and former generations were any better than us and our days." The locals recognise the hard work involved in getting to the top of the hill just to be reminded of the inevitable change that can be seen before them-some good and some bad.

The real thing is that people today should equal or better the people of yesterday. If not, then it must be our own fault. Our duty is to make most of the present, and to do one's part so there is always hope that whatever we do it will "turn out ok". The moral of the story is in gaelic but as this is a piping blog.....

Your piping will be a pleasure to many in the land and in time by your own effort good music will be  restored.
So there you guys are making good music! Just keep picking up your chanter and run through your tunes.

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